Wednesday 3 December 2014

Maths - Capacity

In 1999 we had to go to the pools??? A few weeks ago we had to do a question sheet about Matching Capacities. We had  to match up one number with a picture. Then we came back a few weeks after with our sheet and fixed up anything that we thought was incorrect with a different colour pen. 

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Maths W/ Nic

During maths we had to first we has to predict what size each jars mill was. Then we had to measure each jar to see how close or far we were. We measured a bucket and that was 4 cups and 10 litres.   

I have drawn a poster to show you how much each jar was. Enjoy :)

Thursday 13 November 2014

Jackie and the beanstalk

My hart thumps louder then a crazy party, I have just climbed the beanstalk and now I am face to face with a double headed giant. His voice screams louder then anything on planet earth. Right now I am between heaven and hell. Everything stops, all of the preposterous things flow into my mind. He will rip my head off and eat it for dinner. Well he doesn't. He locks me in a cage and starts laughing. I haven't told you my name yet, my name is Jackie, but most people call me Jack. 

One day my auntie told me to sell the house and cart. So I did. Some crazy lunatic comes and gives me some beans. He begs me for the horse, so I give it to him. Before the horse trots off. He tells me something very important. Don't get the beans wet. I just have got them wet. Wow. This monster beanstalk grows straight infornt of my eyes. Oh boy I'm in trouble. 

Me, myself and everybody in poutama.

As most of you know, I'm Aroha, the award winning bright star. Troy and Nics favourite student. Got nice smooth hair, and arms as strong as a gorillar. Actually I'm nothing like that. I'm the weird qwerkie one in the block. I always tend to embassies my self with something stupid I say or do. Today I will be telling you how I became the queen of the world. "Just tricking, yes Andy Griffins is a star. 

My life has been a bumpy road, yes very bumpy. As bumpy as a 7hour drive to Auckland. But I have enjoyed all the fun little things like camp, and the plaza, and butter chicken.

 Jade has been the most horrible person I have ever met. Always mean and nasty. Always saying I'm the one who cracks eggs in her garden. So not true. Just kidding, another one of Andy Griffins books I think. Jade is the most wonderful never wrong, and polite person in the world. Always smiling, and never giving up. Well actually that is a lie as well. The only thing I can say about Jade is she is tall, my BFF and, well Jade. 

He is ummm, well totally, awesome cool funny weird incredible outstanding, awesome hahahaha, lol, awesome cool funny and my teacher. Nic has been my teacher for two years. That's like 365 days twice. 

Ok bye. 

Well I have so much more to talk to you about. Georgia Anna Maia. Butter Chicken. Troy Elly ebony. Well maybe next time. Although I do have 2 minuets left.  Ok maybe Josiah can sing you his leaving song. Nah. Wait, I think mum is calling me. I better go. But remember to check out all my other bits and pieces about writing. See ya later.